June 15th
woke up and oiled my K&N air filter that i had cleaned the night before. wow. that thing was nasty dirty. i had rocks stuck in the filter. i put a bit too much oil, and they say to reclean and re-oil. too bad, not gonna do it.
As usual, i woke up too late again. it took me a while to figure out how i was going to pack up everything. everything packed up, i left.
do the dew. rinds, all the fat, zero carbs.
Lunch womper style at a gas station.
got to the end of the AlCan highway. (alaska highway) still not sure why there is two names for it. annoying.
Now to finish up between Tok and whitehorse... then i'll have completed the alaska highway
crossing a bridge somewhere...Before Tok, after Delta Junction
hmm... don't like the looks of those clouds.
nice pavement, a bit of rain, but not that bad

I almost fell asleep at the wheel more than a few times, so i pulled over. i needed a break.
I decided to make Chubbs 2.0
you can barely see him there with all the rocks in the background. bah. Chubbs 3.0 will be better, faster, stronger. well, better maybe.
this is a neat site. wonder what cops patrol here. hah. yes, i was speeding, didn't see any cops.
Neat monument there declaring the international border and all.
this was a neat lake, this is just a tiny part of it.
got through customs without any problems (wasn't expecting any either) and went to beaver creek. i was starting to get really tired at that point so i looked for a cheap motel. they wanted $89 a night. i decided to camp for the night instead since the weather was not that bad.
I bought some smokies ($9 for 6) and went for a ride, knowing there would be a government of yukon campsite somewhere down the rode. The campsites are only $12.
I kept riding and there were some nice rainbows there as the rain was on and off. so i followed the rainbow.
not liking those clouds, you can barely see the mountains.
funny, i found the government campground at the end of it that i was looking for, the Snag campsite. hah!
always follow the rainbow. the bugs were bad at first until i got the 100% deet out. they don't like that stuff at all.
made a fire and cooked my smokies. damn axe is breaking. i've used it what... 3 times? piece of crap. bad design i think.
anyhow, made a fire, warmed up and went to bed too late, as usual. i lost an hour going over the border so that's screwing me up a bit, because you get even more light in the yukon later.
took this at 12:30am. too much damn light.
always follow the rainbow.
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